In Focus Weekly Roundup

In Focus: Ukraine and Russia conflict: A possible nuclear treat?

By V. Emmanuel Leon “In modern war there is no such thing as victor and vanquished… There is only a loser, and the loser is mankind.” -U Thant On the past 24th of February, at 3 am GMT, Putin decided to invade Ukrainian territory. From that point onwards, the nightmare that is currently ongoing started […]

Weekly Roundup

Weekly Round up of Human Rights News

By V. Emmanuel Leon Headlines From Around the World World As Parenting Changes, So Should Citizenship: Outdated Nationality Laws Risk Leaving Some Children Stateless (Human Rights Watch) Stop violence at European borders and protect refugees – UNHCR (UN News) UN human rights experts urge treaty to address ‘plastic tide’ (OHCHR) By invading Ukraine, Putin loses […]

Uncategorized Weekly Roundup

Weekly Round up of Human Rights News

By V. Emmanuel Leon Headlines From Around the World World The UN Shouldn’t Let the Olympics’ Celebration of Uyghur Repression Go Unchallenged (Human Right Watch) Human rights lawyers attempt to bring Syria war crimes cases to ICC (The Guardian) Guterres opens Global Disability Summit with inclusivity call (UN News) Is Religious Freedom Important For Biden’s […]

Weekly Roundup

Weekly Round up of Human Rights News

By V. Emmanuel Leon In Focus: The persecution of lawyers and Judges – The case against Impunity in Guatemala Patterns of conduct are hard to change and can be dangerous to those who aim to reconfigure them. As the fight of independent judges, lawyers, and prosecutors in cooperation with the International Commission against Impunity in […]